29th Apr 2016
Golfing accessories for every season
As the seasons change it can bring very different conditions, which can affect your game of golf. It always pays to be prepared, but thankfully there are plenty of things for the modern golfer that will help you be ready to play, come rain or shine.
Spring - Preparing for the rainy season
Spring in the UK usually involves heavy rainfall, and occasional flooding. Having a ball pick up means that you can stay clean and fetch your balls if they go astray in the rough or large puddle. Judging by the temperamental nature of UK weather this should also find frequent use during the rest of the year, too.
Rather than letting a spot of rain stop your game, having a nice set of waterproofs, including a waterproof hat, jacket and trousers means that you can enjoy a game of golf, regardless of the weather.
Be prepared for the weather with a handy umbrella, which means that whether you are playing or spectating, you remain dry and comfortable.
Given the amount of care and effort spent on a good golf bag, it is only natural that you would want to keep it safe from the elements. Purchasing a good quality waterproof golfing bag cover is a must have if you are playing golf in the spring.
Summer - Staying cool in the summer heat
Playing golf in the blinding sunlight is almost impossible without a visor to shield your eyes. Nowadays you can get visors in many different styles, and we have a range of beautiful women’s visors on our website that mean not only do you get to keep your eyes on the game, but you look fashionably smart whilst doing it.
Summer brings with it a whole host of annoying insects, which can prove a real nuisance when you are trying to enjoy your game. Bug bands are an environmental and child-friendly solution that provides you with a 15ft shield from the tiny pests.
Make sure you have a water bottle with you if you are playing golf in hot weather so that you stay hydrated. Keeping one of these handy in your bag means you can top it up regularly throughout the day, without taking up much room. Whether you are watching golf or playing, sunglasses are another essential for keeping the sun out of your eyes and staying protected from the harsh rays.
Golf often involves being outside for many hours at a time. Because of this, it is incredibly important that you invest in a good quality sun tan lotion to keep you protected whilst you play. A handy tip is to have some sachets in your bag so that you can reapply it every few hours, and keep from getting burnt.
Autumn - Planning for shorter evenings
With the darker evenings rolling in during the autumn months
it’s important to keep track of your golf balls at all times, even with the
darker nights causing problems. If your game stretches out longer than you
expect you don't need to finish playing, you can just switch to a
golf ball and finish your game as normal.
When the terrain gets muddier, it pays to have a golf ball cleaner to-hand. Keep your balls and clothes looking pristine, regardless of the autumn weather.
Winter - Keeping warm in the colder months
Neck warmers are a great choice for golfers because they offer
the comfort and warmth of a scarf but with the added flexibility that means
that it doesn't restrict your game. There are a number of
neck warmers available on the One Up Golf website which
allow you to look your best and enjoy your game in comfort.
A good quality beanie or winter hat is a good item to have when it comes to playing golf in the winter months. Rather than letting the colder weather stop you from playing, wearing warm clothing can mean that you can enjoy a game regardless of the season. Gloves are another essential in your golfing kit, whatever the weather. Whilst gloves can have a positive impact on your game and help your grip, there are also a range of gloves available which will keep your hands water free and warm, which can be greatly appreciated during the winter months.
Make sure you wrap up warm if you want to play golf when the weather is colder. Make sure you get a thick fleece or jacket so that you can stay healthy, without affecting your golfing habits. Hand and foot warmers are another great inclusion for your golfing bag, as they are compact and can offer additional comfort if the weather turns cold.
This list is a good indication of just some of the many items that golfers can get to prepare for the changing seasons. Be ready for any weather or situation and make sure that your golf bag is stocked with everything you need to look and play your best, year in and year out.